I was trained by my husband. ...

I was trained by my husband. He said, If you want a thing done go. If not send. I belong to that group of people who move the piano themselves.
 Eleanor Robson Belmont

Quotes from the same author

An actor rides in a bus or railroad train; he sees a movement and applies it to a new role. The whole garment in which the actor hides himself is made of small externals of observation fitted to his conception of a role.
 Eleanor Robson Belmont
A private railroad car is not an acquired taste. One takes to it immediately.
 Eleanor Robson Belmont
We use important words too frequently and they lose value; for instance, charm and great. An actor or musician often is proclaimedgreat when we really mean he is outstanding.
 Eleanor Robson Belmont
An actor must communicate his author's given message--comedy, tragedy, serio- comedy; then comes his unique moment, as he is confronted by the looked-for, yet at times unexpected, reaction of the audience. This split second is his; he is in command of his medium; the effect vanishes into thin air; but that moment has a power all its own and, like power in any form, is stimulating and alluring.
 Eleanor Robson Belmont
Never be afraid to meet to the hilt the demand of either work, or friendship - two of life's major assets.
 Eleanor Robson Belmont