I was getting hot flashes and ...

I was getting hot flashes and sweats on a regular basis. That's not normal, even for my age.
 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Quotes from the same author

You can't win unless you learn how to lose.
 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
I did a book in 1996, an overview of black history. In that process I became more aware of a lot of the black inventors of the 19th century.
 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
My mother had to send me to the movies with my birth certificate, so that I wouldn't have to pay the extra fifty cents that the adults had to pay.
 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
The '80s made up for all the abuse I took during the '70s. I outlived all my critics. By the time I retired, everybody saw me as a venerable institution. Things do change.
 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
What I have is P.H. positive chronic myeloid leukemia, which is an aberration in your white blood cells.
 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar