I was being groomed to be a ...

I was being groomed to be a tennis player for sure. My grandparents and parents realised I had a natural athletic ability and if I was forced to do it, I could probably do well. But all I wanted was to play pretend.
 Dakota Fanning

Quotes from the same author

Courtney Love is really cool and funny. I would like to meet Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz. I think I could play their daughters.
 Dakota Fanning
I've been very lucky enough to do all kinds of movies. All the movies that I've done have been very different, and all the characters I've done have been very different. I feel very lucky to have been able to do the movies that I've done.
 Dakota Fanning
I've been able to go so many places. I had the opportunity to go to Hong Kong when I was thirteen years old which is crazy. I lived there for three months. It was amazing. I couldn't ask for a more enriched life so far.
 Dakota Fanning
It's what I love about what I do and the life that I'm able to have and be able to just be so normal one day and be here the next...I feel so lucky to be able to do what I do.
 Dakota Fanning
I feel very lucky to have been able to travel and see different parts of the world.
 Dakota Fanning