I want to be able to fill in ...

I want to be able to fill in all the voids. I want people to say, "Ah Seungri will do whatever he can." I want to become this type of person: "Once Seungri has said it, he will go ahead and change/do it.

Quotes from the same author

I watched and learned about music as a member of Big Bang. Of course it's important to show my charms as an artist by showing my abilities but that's what our solo activities are for.
I like being cheerful. Isn't it nice to be able to have fun and laugh while doing interviews?
During shows and interviews, I want to tell people exactly how I feel and I thought that if I am honest and straightforward, then people will accept my words for what it is, but that's not how it works. My way of thinking is too naïve.
Growing a moustache wouldn't really coordinate with the group dynamics.
I still want to be the cute maknae of the group so rather than growing out my moustache and saying that I've matured and that "I'm a man", I would rather show people how I've grown up little by little through my personality.