I've never done anything so ...

I\'ve never done anything so political before. I\'ve spent years shouting my mouth off about serious issues over dinner tables but never really had the confidence to express my views in a song.
I've never done anything so political before. I've spent years shouting my mouth off about serious issues over dinner tables but never really had the confidence to express my views in a song.
 George Michael

More phrases

It really is all about believing in yourself: 80 per cent mental, 20 per cent physical.
 Victoria Pendleton
You have inside you the capacity to invest your mental, emotional, and spiritual gifts in a way that glorifies God, impacts the world, and satisfies your own soul. I believe that-and I want you to believe it, too.
 David Jeremiah
Sixteen years I've pounded my head against the mentality of America, which...I'd say it's about an 8th grade emotional level.
 Bill Hicks
Who sows virtue reaps honor.
You will learn a lot about yourself if you stretch in the direction of goodness, of bigness, of kindness, of forgiveness, of emotional bravery. Be a warrior for love.
 Cheryl Strayed

Quotes from the same author

I lost my partner [Anselmo Feleppa] to HIV then it took about three years to grieve; then after that I lost my mother. I felt almost like I was cursed.
 George Michael
I have two sisters. My father is Greek and comes from a family of seven. My mother is English and comes from a family of five.
 George Michael
[My mother] pretty much used to go along with my dad in that she wanted me to get an education so that if this incredible dream I had didn't work out, I would have something to fall back on.
 George Michael
[My mother] is much more musical, and by the time I started writing songs - by the time I was about 17 - she started to believe in me, musically.
 George Michael
I don't want to look at other people my age in leather. Why would I put it on?
 George Michael