I've always wanted to do a ...

I've always wanted to do a movie, and I really feel the urge to do it.I'm in Hollywood - I have no business not being in the movie industry.
 Ariel Pink

Quotes from the same author

My music already has this oldish kind of quality to it, like you don't necessarily know what era it was recorded in, so it all kind of felt surreal and weird. Night after night when I played live, I was really trying to figure it out in real time, and I still don't know what effect I'm going for or what effect I actually achieve. Looking back, I feel like it would be arrogant of me not to appreciate the fact that I've been able to do whatever I want and still have an audience come see me.
 Ariel Pink
The music usually occurs to me as a complete sound, and then I have developed the skill of being able to translate that into a fully realized song.
 Ariel Pink
I love everybody. You have to embrace all facets of humanity; love and accept everyone as being part of yourself.
 Ariel Pink
That's really what keeps me playing live - appreciation. And I guess I've made a lot of wiggle room for myself to try different things and discover what I'm doing, and the audience accepts it.
 Ariel Pink
I envisioned all these people who had been admired for having been freaks in their own time, and I saw myself in line with them.
 Ariel Pink