I tried to do everything I ...

I tried to do everything I could to study Walt Disney. I would read every book I could on the company, and then I found out more about him as a person, as an entrepreneur, and it was just fascinating to me that this guy was able to live a great life with his family but also do these amazing things at work.
 Jason Kilar

Quotes from the same author

There's certain things like scripted dramas that - they're either topical or such water-cooler moments that I think that they'll be consumed within 48 hours. You don't have to consume them at 9:00 at night, but you want to consume them within the first couple of days so that you can talk to your friends about it.
 Jason Kilar
My father was an electrical engineer who worked at Westinghouse in Pittsburgh. When I was growing up, my mother wrote humor columns for the local paper. She was the Erma Bombeck of Murrysville, Pa.
 Jason Kilar
Early access is very valuable, there are a lot of consumers who would love to see something early.
 Jason Kilar