I think people need to see ...

I think people need to see Prince live to really understand how remarkable he is. He has always been inspiring because he is never afraid to break rules or barriers or invent something new - and if you love fashion, then you need to be able to do that.
 Donatella Versace

Quotes from the same author

I studied at a university in Florence and finished my degree. My mother was very strict about this recipe: You need to get your degree.
 Donatella Versace
When my mother did fittings for her clients, I was hiding, looking at these beautiful ladies try on these fantastic clothes. I was dreaming as a small child to try these clothes on myself.
 Donatella Versace
My mother didn't want me to be in fashion. She was in the fashion business, so was my brother, and she thought it was too crazy for me. She wanted me to be married with children, to be independent, yes, but not to have a crazy life.
 Donatella Versace
Scent is very important. Strong fragrances suit some men, while citrus types suit others. I like my men to smell fresh and woody, but also like a man.
 Donatella Versace
Haven't you heard? I sleep every night in the deep freezer!
 Donatella Versace