I think I was able to survive ...

I think I was able to survive five heart attacks because I never postponed going to the hospital when something didn't feel right.
 Dick Cheney

Quotes from the same author

The Iraqi forces are conducting the Mother of all Retreats.
 Dick Cheney
It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you.
 Dick Cheney
No, I’ve always been impressed with the tremendous resilience of the American economy. I think over the years, over the decades, it’s demonstrated this tremendous ability to take severe body blows, if you will, and bounce back.
 Dick Cheney
We're fighting a war on terror because the enemy attacked us first, and hit us hard. ... Al Qaeda's leadership has said they have the right to kill four million Americans,... For nearly six years now, the United States has been able to defeat their attempts to attack us here at home. Nobody can guarantee that we won't be hit again.
 Dick Cheney
We live in a free society, and freedom means freedom for everybody. We shouldn't be able to choose and say, 'You get to live free and you don't.' That means people should be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to enter into. Like Joe (Lieberman), I'm also wrestling with the extent to which there ought to be legal sanction of those relationships. I think we ought to do everything we can to tolerate and accommodate whatever kind of relationships people want to enter into.
 Dick Cheney