I think Frank Mir was 100 ...

I think Frank Mir was 100 percent underestimated and I'm really happy to see the result because I think we needed it in the heavyweight division.
 Shawn Tompkins

Quotes from the same author

I look at Anderson Silva and he can fight moving forward, he can fight moving backward, and he can fight moving left or right. It's something that I don't think anyone else in the sport other than Chuck Liddell has really been able to do.
 Shawn Tompkins
I've been around fighters enough to know that you have to be able to give 100 percent of your effort and time into training for a sport.
 Shawn Tompkins
I'm proud of them and I am happy to see that the Frank Mir that we all wanted to see back in the day is truly here and I think he's here to say. I have a really good friend in his trainer, Ken Hahn at Striking Unlimited and I'm glad that they're getting the respect that they deserve now.
 Shawn Tompkins
We need more guys that are solid talents all around and Frank Mir proved himself and I don't think anyone is going to second guess him every again.
 Shawn Tompkins