I think everything everything ...

I think everything everything about my lifestyle is fairly alternative. I gather my own spring water from mountains every month. I go to a farm to get my food. I make everything from my own toothpaste to my own body lotions and face oils. I could go on for hours. I make my own medicines; I don’t get those from doctors. I make my own cheese and forage wild foods and identify wild plants. It’s an entire lifestyle. It’s appealing to my soul.
 Shailene Woodley

Quotes from the same author

In order to help those around you, and in order to even be a good actress and a good mother at the same time, you have to know your worth.
 Shailene Woodley
You are the epitome of the word selfless, you did something knowing you wouldn't be able to come home, knowing that your country would have very mixed feelings and yet your integrity on what you believe was right or wrong or should be public knowledge was more important to you than almost your own comfortability and the life that you had lived for so long. So I would like say thank you to him.
 Shailene Woodley
I think you have to love yourself and you have to have a strong sense of self-love in order to really show up for other people, because if you love yourself, you're not questioning your own mind any more and you are really able to be present and available for others.
 Shailene Woodley
I fell into this business by accident. It wasn't something I ever aspired to be: an actress. It just happened. It has evolved into an insane passion... a creative outlet. But nothing more. It's my hobby... one of the ways I express myself as an artist. And the day it becomes a job... a career... I will quit...
 Shailene Woodley
There are a lot of mountains with a lot of water.
 Shailene Woodley