I remember when cable ...

I remember when cable happened and everyone said broadcast was dead, and then satellite happened and everyone said cable was dead, and then DVDs happened and everyone said everything was over. Nothing was over. I'm very optimistic about the future.
 Anne Sweeney

Quotes from the same author

I look at power as the ability to get people motivated and to get them to do things that maybe they don't think are important but, in the end, are in pursuit of something greater than themselves.
 Anne Sweeney
I think the must-have power qualities for a female or male power leader are really the ability to focus, to work hard, to be extremely goal oriented and to not let the noise and the nonsense interfere with your mission - what you really feel you want to do with your career and your life.
 Anne Sweeney
I am so very honored to be the recipient of MIPCOM's 2011 Personality of the Year. However, the accomplishments that have led to this honor are not mine alone. They are the result of the tireless efforts of so very many talented colleagues.
 Anne Sweeney
I really moved through my career based on curiosity about something. I never looked at a title and said, 'I want that.'
 Anne Sweeney
Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you're proud to live.
 Anne Sweeney