I'm urgin all daughters to ...

I'm urgin all daughters to kiss their mothers with those lips that all that lipstick covers. You never too grown up to miss and hug her.

Quotes from the same author

Most women are motivated so I act accordingly But this is so refreshing that it means a little more to me
Six months is the most you can ask of any fan in this day and age, with the Internet and all these new artists. I understand that my music is in a lot of mediums. Some people want me to make an R&B album. Some people want me to never sing again. I just don't want people to be able to draw comparisons between my old songs and my new ones.
I don't really put a lot of swearing in my music. I want everybody to be able to enjoy it.
Sometimes you have to erase the messages, delete the numbers, and move on. You don't have to forget who that person was to you, but you do have to accept that they aren't that person anymore.
May your neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you, angels protect you and heaven accept you