I'm sure there were plenty of ...

I'm sure there were plenty of loving, attentive mothers in the 'me generation,' but none of them lived at my house.
 Ariel Gore

Quotes from the same author

A lot of women make choices based on how they saw their mother's choices working out, how they saw the choices of the women elders in their lives working out. There's some rebellion in that, but there's also some deep reflection.
 Ariel Gore
I don't know if my mother was a narcissist - or bi-polar or borderline. Those were words she tossed around over the years.
 Ariel Gore
When I was a kid, my mother's parenting style teetered between benign neglect and intense bouts of violence.
 Ariel Gore
In our cultural history, all emotions have been more culturally acceptable to women.
 Ariel Gore
The last introvert in a world of extroverts. Silence: my response to both emptiness and saturation. But silence frightens people. I had to learn how to talk. Out of politeness.
 Ariel Gore