A man gazing at the stars is ...

A man gazing at the stars is proverbially at the mercy of the puddles in the road.
A man gazing at the stars is proverbially at the mercy of the puddles in the road.
 Alexander Smith

More phrases

If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.
What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.
I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

Quotes from the same author

The pale child, Eve, leading her mother, Night.
 Alexander Smith
Vanity in its idler moments is benevolent, is as willing to give pleasure as to take it, and accepts as sufficient reward for its services a kind word or an approving smile.
 Alexander Smith
It is the sternest philosophy, but on the whole the truest, that, in the wide arena of the world, failure and success are not accidents, as we so frequently suppose, but the strictest justice.
 Alexander Smith
Thoughts must come naturally, like wild-flowers; they cannot be forced in a hot-bed, even although aided by the leaf-mould of your past.
 Alexander Smith
It is not of so much consequence what you say, as how you say it. Memorable sentences are memorable on account of some single irradiating word.
 Alexander Smith