I like sarcasm. I like ...

I like sarcasm. I like snark.
 Alexis Ohanian

Quotes from the same author

I actually haven't even found a curriculum in America that is really preparing people for this 21st century world.
 Alexis Ohanian
There was a clear lesson here — and that was that the Internet loves Mister Splashy Pants.
 Alexis Ohanian
If you look now, more than ever new entrants, new upstarts, are able to grow so much faster than they could before.
 Alexis Ohanian
The stage of investing that I do is seed stage, so it's really early. Here's a pair of founders who maybe have a prototype. They have a little bit of traction, maybe one employee, tops. At that stage, you really, really can only evaluate a company based on those founders and what they've been able to build. It's very, very team driven.
 Alexis Ohanian
It turns out the Internet is this amazing resource for everyone who has access to it.
 Alexis Ohanian