I have no maternal instinct ...

I have no maternal instinct whatsoever. Motherhood holds no interest for me.
 Helen Mirren

Quotes from the same author

I met with Hitchcock when I was a very, very young actress just starting out and he was making 'Frenzy' in London and I was sent along to meet with him. He was very, very unimpressed with me and I have to say, I was rather unimpressed with him - but only because I was an arrogant, ignorant young actress.
 Helen Mirren
My dad's Russian. My mother's English. I would say my bottom half is Russian.
 Helen Mirren
Nothing is quite so emotional and passionate as what goes on inside of a family. People are driven to distraction by a father or a mother or a husband. Or a child.
 Helen Mirren
What I feel personally and what I can act are two different things. Maybe one of the great pleasures of my job is being able to inhabit worlds that you are never going to inhabit personally.
 Helen Mirren
My parents believed in education and economic security, and I thank them for it. Because I think that's part of what's made my life stable. It was instilled in me. You have to be able to pay your bills. You do not get into debt. And I never have been.
 Helen Mirren