I have difficulty putting ...

I have difficulty putting words in peoples' mouths. The best dialogue is very, very thin dialogue; you let people improvise and then basically you record what they've improvised and then write it down.
 Steve McQueen

Quotes from the same author

I liked being in the Marines. They gave me discipline I could live with. By the time I got out, I was able to cope with things on a more realistic level.
 Steve McQueen
Every time I start thinking the world is all bad, then I start seeing people out there having a good time on motorcycles. It makes me take another look.
 Steve McQueen
I've got a feeling I'm leaving stardom behind, you know. I'm gradually becoming more of a filmmaker, acquiring a different kind of dignity from that which you achieve in acting. After all, I'm no matinee idol, and I'm getting older. I don't think I can be doing my kind of thing in the seventies; I want to be on more of the creative side of business.
 Steve McQueen
The camera movement should be like a cat jumping onto a table - with just enough amount of effort and that's it. That's enough.
 Steve McQueen
I'm not sure that acting is something for a grown man to be doing.
 Steve McQueen