I have decided to follow in ...

I have decided to follow in my sinful ways, and have largely abandoned the increasingly religious life I was leading over the previous months, including several hours of Talmudic study a day.
 Luke Ford

Quotes from the same author

If 'Black Balloon' had come out before 'The Mummy,' casting agents wouldn't have been able to see me for the first time in 'The Mummy.' But now that 'The Mummy' has come out before 'The Black Balloon,' that's a very good combination.
 Luke Ford
I teethed on books of heroes such as Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln and King David.
 Luke Ford
The thing about me is I have a great little acting school. I teach about 125 students.
 Luke Ford
Acting in anger and hatred throughout my life, I frequently precipitated what I feared most, the loss of friendships and the need to rely upon the very people I'd abused.
 Luke Ford