I followed a girl I met in ...

I followed a girl I met in Japan to Los Angeles and ended up working in a motorcycle store. I quit the job one night, went to a party in the Hollywood Hills and ended up yelling at a bunch of people. Someone saw me yelling and asked me to be in a play. The first night, there was an agent in the audience who took me on and sent me out for jobs.
 Norman Reedus

Quotes from the same author

My twenties were carefree in the worst ways. There's a nice balance now of work ethic and healthy lifestyle and carefree attitude, which is pretty nice. You get to a point where you don't care so much what people think of you and you care more about yourself.
 Norman Reedus
I think violence has always been popular, way before movies started being made.
 Norman Reedus
I'm not saying that I don't like the success of the job, but I really like going to work every day and I really like coming home and feeling satisfied with what I did today.
 Norman Reedus
I'm still insecure, but when I first started acting, I was really insecure. I glared at a lot of people. I assumed everyone hated me. Somehow that scowl has turned into an acting career.
 Norman Reedus
I saw 'True Blood' once, and I like the jazzy feel of it and stuff.
 Norman Reedus