I find men's clothing ...

I find men's clothing fascinating because sometime between, say, 1930 and 1936 a handful of basic shapes were created and still prevail as a sort of scale of expression, with which every man can project his own personality and his own dignity.
 Yves Saint Laurent

Quotes from the same author

I love women. I love all the bright and attractive people and things of this world, the flame and also the moth, the dancer and the dance.
 Yves Saint Laurent
A woman's wardrobe shouldn't change every six months. You should be able to use the pieces you already own and add to them. Because they are like timeless classics.
 Yves Saint Laurent
I don't like [to] make a woman ... an abstract concept of the fashion. I don't like [to] say, "You must wear that." ... I am not a dictator.
 Yves Saint Laurent
A designer who is not also a couturier, who hasn't learned the most refined mysteries of physically creating his models, is like a sculptor who gives his drawings to another man, an artisan, to accomplish.
 Yves Saint Laurent
Dressing is a way of life. It brings you joy. It can give you freedom and liberation, help you to find yourself and to move without restraint. Isn't elegance forgetting what one is wearing?
 Yves Saint Laurent