I don't think you necessarily ...

I don't think you necessarily identify and believe in the motifs of the character, but you have to want to play it and want to commit to the lines.
 Clive Owen

Quotes from the same author

I had to ride a horse once. In 'King Arthur.' I said I could ride, but I had to call for lessons on the day the deal was signed. I started out on this little chunky thing and slowly moved up. It was months of work.
 Clive Owen
I can't remember ever being involved in a fight in a movie where I haven't done most of it.
 Clive Owen
I watch a film and the most important thing to me is what I think of the movie.
 Clive Owen
I've had some great times with actresses, but that's in a movie.
 Clive Owen
It's just lovely to be involved in a movie that does go back to the basics - characters and great writing.
 Clive Owen