I don't think I'm great at ...

I don't think I'm great at acting. I think I'm great at directing.
 Melissa Joan Hart

Quotes from the same author

If they [Playboy] could promise me it wasn't camera-between-my-knees kind of shots, I would do it. I would do topless. I think it's empowering. Though if my mother had a real big problem with it, I'd have to say no right now.
 Melissa Joan Hart
If I'm going to do something a little bit more adult, I'll do it if it's going to be on at a different time slot or if it's going to be something that kids won't be able to get their hands on
 Melissa Joan Hart
When I shared a room with my sister Trisha, we drew a line down the middle. She had Laura Ashley stuff with flowers everywhere, and her whole side of the room was white, while my side of the room was painted, freaky and covered with stuff.
 Melissa Joan Hart
I'd always done family-friendly stuff. I wanted to do a film where I could show my darker side and make people uncomfortable.
 Melissa Joan Hart