I didn't anticipate the ...

I didn\'t anticipate the primal quality of my pleasure, the raw physicality of it, the way my whole body leaps forward when I see my grandsons after a few days\' absence.
I didn't anticipate the primal quality of my pleasure, the raw physicality of it, the way my whole body leaps forward when I see my grandsons after a few days' absence.
 Letty Cottin Pogrebin

More phrases

Amores Perros and Once Were Warriors had a tremendous visceral quality that really influenced me.
 Brendan Fletcher
We are all warriors. Each of us struggles every day to define and defend our sense of purpose and integrity, to justify our existence on the planet and to understand, if only within our own hearts, who we are and what we believe in.
 Steven Pressfield
If one man kills a hundred men, and another man masters himself, the second man is the much greater warrior.
You may abandon your own body but you must preserve your honour.
 Miyamoto Musashi
Man is the only animal that blushes - or needs to.

Quotes from the same author

We mothers are learning to mark our mothering success by our daughters' lengthening flight.
 Letty Cottin Pogrebin
In the supposedly enlightened eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, parental indifference, child neglect, and raw cruelty appearedamong Europeans of all classes.... In mid-nineteenth- century France, families abandoned their children at the rate of thirty-three thousand a year.... It took sixty years after the criminalization of cruelty to animals for cruelty to children to be made punishable under English law.... Industrialized America added brutalizing child labor to the oppressions of the young.
 Letty Cottin Pogrebin
As the mother of a son, I do not accept that alienation from me is necessary for his discovery of himself. As a woman, I will not cooperate in demeaning womanly things so that he can be proud to be a man. I like to think the women in my son's future are counting on me.
 Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Mothers remember a child's first words, and quote them in tones usually reserved for Byron.
 Letty Cottin Pogrebin
I feel about mothers the way I feel about dimples: because I do not have one myself, I notice everyone who does.
 Letty Cottin Pogrebin