I'd have to say, and I think ...

I'd have to say, and I think that most Christians would hold the view, that there is such a thing as evil, and there are evil forces at work. You can articulate that by talking about Satan or the Devil; that's sound, Scriptural teaching.
 Peter Hollingworth

Quotes from the same author

I didn't do very well at school, and I suppose I've always had this sense, you know that, of being average, so I've been a bit low on self-confidence in my ability.
 Peter Hollingworth
I was no great achiever at school, either academically or in the sporting field... I was always tending to be in trouble.
 Peter Hollingworth
I enjoy ritual and ceremony. What I don't like is when it's badly done or sloppily done. This is actually a theological issue - the forms we adopt, the actions we take, the way we do things, are, as it were, a sacrament.
 Peter Hollingworth
I can cite a few cases of where people have tampered around with magic and witchcraft that they've been very severely frightened and traumatised by some of the outcomes. I mean we are playing with fire, and I had to say that.
 Peter Hollingworth