I arrived on earth in 1928. ...

I arrived on earth in 1928. Born into a milieu of painters, I acquired my taste for painting with my mother's milk.
 Yves Klein

Quotes from the same author

Pure, existential space was regularly winking at me, each time in a more impressive manner, and this sensation of total freedom attracted me so powerfully that I painted some monochrome surfaces just to 'see,' to 'see' with my own eyes what existential sensibility granted me: absolute freedom!
 Yves Klein
The imagination is the vehicle of sensibility. Transported by the imagination, we attain life, life itself, which is absolute art.
 Yves Klein
I am against the line and all its consequences: contours, forms, composition. All paintings of whatever sort, figurative or abstract, seem to me like prison windows in which the lines, precisely are the bars.
 Yves Klein
Blue suggests the sea and sky, and they, after all, are in actual, visible nature what is most abstract.
 Yves Klein
Blue has no dimensions, it is beyond dimensions, whereas the other colours are not....All colours arouse specific associative ideas, psychologically material or tangible, while blue suggests at most the sea and sky, and they, after all, are in actual, visible nature what is most abstract.
 Yves Klein