I am now experiencing perfect ...

I am now experiencing perfect health, abundant prosperity and complete and utter happiness. This is true because the world is full of charming people who now lovingly help me in every way. I am now coming into an innumerable company of angels. I am now living a delightful, interesting and satisfying life of the most widely useful kind. Because of my own increased health, wealth and happiness, I am now able to help others live a delightful, interesting and satisfying life of the most widely useful kind, my good - our good - is universal.
 Catherine Ponder

Quotes from the same author

What you praise you increase.
 Catherine Ponder
If people only knew the healing power of laughter and joy, many of our fine doctors would be out of business. Joy is one of nature's greatest medicines. Joy is always healthy. A pleasant state of mind tends to bring abnormal conditions back to normal.
 Catherine Ponder
I have unshakeable faith in the perfect outcome of every situation in my life, for God is in absolute control.
 Catherine Ponder
Poverty is a form of hell caused by man's blindness to God's unlimited good for him. You should be prosperous, well supplied and have abundance of good because it is your divine heritage. Your creator wants you that way.
 Catherine Ponder
The shocking truth about prosperity is that it is shockingly right instead of shockingly wrong for you to be prosperous. Please note that the word 'rich' means having an abundance of good or living a fuller, more satisfying life. Indeed, you are prosperous to the degree that you are experiencing peace, health, happiness and plenty in your world. There are honorable methods that can carry you quickly toward that goal. It is easier to accomplish than you may now think. That, too, is the shocking truth about prosperity.
 Catherine Ponder