I always had a knack for ...

I always had a knack for improvisation. I can write down the notes I play, but never really had a proper academic musical background. I suppose I\'m blessed and cursed by the fact I have that freedom.
I always had a knack for improvisation. I can write down the notes I play, but never really had a proper academic musical background. I suppose I'm blessed and cursed by the fact I have that freedom.

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Teach your children gratefulness. Do all you can to deliver them from our culture's poisonous entitlement mentality.
 Randy Alcorn
Death is at any time blessed but it is twice blessed for a warrior who dies for his cause, that is, truth.
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.
While we are grateful to all the brave men and officers for the events of the past few days, we should, above all, be very grateful to Almighty God, who gives us victory.
All men feel a habitual gratitude, and something of an honorable bigotry, for the objects which have long continued to please them.

Quotes from the same author

I've felt like an outsider all my life. It comes from my mother, who always felt like an outsider in my father's family. She was a powerful woman, and she motivated my father.
I believe I am quite amiable and affable and quite fair, and I've rarely worked with people who are the opposite. Moodiness scares me. What gets to me is unkindness. Madness. Unwarranted cruelty through words. People who scream and shout at work. I hate confrontation and violence. I've done it in the past and I don't want to do it again. I guess I want a perfect world.
The way to make better decisions is to make more of them. Then make sure you learn from each one, including those that don't seem to work out in the short term: they will provide valuable distinctions to make better evaluations and therefore decisions in the future. Realize that decision making, like any skill you focus on improving, gets better the more often you do it.
If I spent all my time criticising myself, I wouldn't be able to function. There are actors who theorise till the cows come home. I haven't the patience for them. It's maybe shallow, but that's why I'll never be part of the acting set.
I am able to play monsters well. I understand monsters. I understand madmen.