Hustle Quotes to Fuel Your Ambition and Drive - page 6

It is difficult to feel accomplished when you\'re not accomplishing something that matters to you. Doing something \'for your own good\' is rarely for your own good if it causes you to be less than who you really are.
It is difficult to feel accomplished when you're not accomplishing something that matters to you. Doing something 'for your own good' is rarely for your own good if it causes you to be less than who you really are.
 Ken Robinson
Don't wait until you feel like taking positive action. Take the action and then you will feel like doing it.
It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the other fellow's viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and work out our differences.
All directors are storytellers, so the motivation was to tell the story I wanted to tell. That's what I love.
 Spike Lee
Many runners worry about who is in the race, or they think about the time they must run to win. I only try to run as fast as I am capable - nothing less.
 Henry Rono
Find out what's keeping them up nights and offer hope. Your theme must be an answer to their fears
 Gerald C. Meyers
The only thing on my mind is getting into that ring and destroying a boxing myth, someone who has reached a level of infamy through doing a number of stupid things.
 David Haye
It's going to be fun watching this robot start malfunctioning.
 David Haye
Every choice one makes either expands or contracts the area in which he can make and implement future decisions. When one makes a choice, he irrevocably binds himself to the consequences of that choice.
 Marion G. Romney
[We are] persuaded to spend money we don\'t have on things we don\'t need to create impressions that won\'t last on people we don\'t care about.
[We are] persuaded to spend money we don't have on things we don't need to create impressions that won't last on people we don't care about.
 Tim Jackson
The first thing a great person does is make us realize the insignificance of circumstance.
Life's most soothing things are a child's goodnight and sweet music.
I honestly think that a Pavlik fight would be easier than Jones because styles make fights. He's one dimensional, comes in straight lines, I love that.
 Joe Calzaghe
Motion Before Motivation: It means you get started FIRST, then FEEL the Inspiration to keep going.
 Mike D
Education must precede motivation.
The Klit brothers should first fight each other, and the winner should fight me.
 David Haye
You deserve to have a prosperous and abundant life!
 Lynn Robinson
Everybody understands that acting is a really difficult job. It's hard work. You've got to get dressed up, you've got to hang around with beautiful women. It's difficult. It's a problem.
 Bruce Willis
The quarterback is in charge of the chuck wagon. He\'s handing it out here and there, but he can\'t just throw it out there indiscriminately or the wolves will get him.
The quarterback is in charge of the chuck wagon. He's handing it out here and there, but he can't just throw it out there indiscriminately or the wolves will get him.
 Bill Parcells
You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice.
 Bob Marley