Hustle Quotes to Fuel Your Ambition and Drive - page 119

Look around. And don\'t get close to people who make you suffer.
Look around. And don't get close to people who make you suffer.
Every religion is good that teaches man to be good; and I know of none that instructs him to be bad.
We will act consistently with our view of who we truly are, whether that view is accurate or not.
If you think black people have a motivation problem, open up a Wal-Mart and advertise a thousand jobs. Watch 5,000 people show up.
 Jesse Jackson
I've worked in pubs for years and you get people challenging you. Challenging your masculinity.
 Carl Froch
If you were to write down all the possible ways to motivate people to do better work, friendly praise would have to come near the head of your list.
 Hannah Whitall Smith
I salute the poor of our country who have deposited more than Rs 20,000 crore in Jan Dhan Bank Accounts.
It isn't hard to be good from time to time in sports. What is tough, is being good every day.
 Willie Mays
The imposing edifice of science provides a challenging view of what can be achieved by the accumulation of many small efforts in a steady objective and dedicated search for truth.
 Charles Hard Townes
It ain\'t over \'til it\'s over.
It ain't over 'til it's over.
 Yogi Berra
If you can't outsmart people, outwork them.
 Bill Veeck
I alter some things, eliminate and try again until I am satisfied. Then begins the mental working out of this material in its breadth, its narrowness, its height and depth.
 Ludwig van Beethoven
If I don't die by Thursday, I'll be roaring Friday night.
 Jimmy Buffett
I use poetry to help me work through what I don’t understand, but I show up to each new poem with a backpack full of everywhere else that I’ve been.
 Sarah Kay
Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give.
 William Arthur Ward
The unwillingness to accept anything short of victory, that underlying fury, is the fundamental building block of my bottomless motivation to succeed. It is my credo in all that I do in life from battling cancer to bicycle racing.
 Lance Armstrong
Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.
 Washington Irving
Open, honest communication is the best foundation for any relationship, but remember that at the end of the day it's not what you say or what you do, but how you make people feel that matters the most.
 Tony Hsieh
When you know better you do better.
When you know better you do better.
There is no such thing as failure. Mistakes happen in your life to bring into focus more clearly who you really are.