Hustle Quotes to Fuel Your Ambition and Drive - page 107

Let the other guy have whatever he wants before the fight. Once the bell rings he\'s gonna be disappointed anyway.
Let the other guy have whatever he wants before the fight. Once the bell rings he's gonna be disappointed anyway.
 George Foreman
My goal has always been to help people help themselves. Your body is your most priceless possession; you've go to take care of it!
 Jack LaLanne
Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching.
 Ferguson Jenkins
First, we need good, stable relations with Russia. Second, we must make every effort to save energy and focus on using various sources to meet our energy needs. We must not allow ourselves to become dependent.
 Angela Merkel
We are limited but we can push back the borders of our limitations
It's motivation. Some people are gifted at specific things, but I had to develop. The thing I'm most talented at is the ability to learn.
 Kanye West
Motivation gets you going and habit gets you there.
You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.
I had to work out that it was something that could move, without having everybody in spray painted leotards.
 Colleen Atwood
Patience is a virtue, and I\'m learning patience. It\'s a tough lesson.
Patience is a virtue, and I'm learning patience. It's a tough lesson.
Pressure bursts pipes. I thank God for giving me peace of mind to overcome pressure. The difference between winning and losing is when pressure hits.
 Evander Holyfield
I refuse to become what they call normal.
You know the trouble with real life? There's no danger music.
 Jim Carrey
Your work matters a great deal to God, to others and to our world. There is no ordinary work. The work God has called you to do is extraordinary. Don't miss out on God's best by taking an ordinary approach to it.
 Tom Nelson
Yet, if we accept the solution offered today by this bill to explore and develop for oil on the coastal plain of ANWR, it will be 5 years, at least, and probably closer to 8 before the first barrel of oil flows from that effort.
 John Olver
If not us, then who? If not now, then when?
 John E. Lewis
What you do [to provide better aid is] you shut up. You never arrive in a community with any ideas.
 Ernesto Sirolli
As an amateur, I couldn't get many fights. No one would fight me when I was a schoolboy.
 Ricky Hatton
Motivation has to come from within. I make up my mind to shoot for the moon. Even if I don\'t make it, I\'ll be among the stars.
Motivation has to come from within. I make up my mind to shoot for the moon. Even if I don't make it, I'll be among the stars.
 Francie Larrieu Smith
To make our way, we must have firm resolve, persistence, tenacity. We must gear ourselves to work hard all the way. We can never let up.
 Ralph Bunche