Hustle Quotes to Fuel Your Ambition and Drive - page 102

Kirby played every day. You feed off of that. When you think of Kirby, you think of motivation. Im definitely going to dedicate this year to him.
Kirby played every day. You feed off of that. When you think of Kirby, you think of motivation. Im definitely going to dedicate this year to him.
 Torii Hunter
Slowing down doesn't mean accomplishing less; it means cutting out counterproductive distractions and the perception of being rushed.
 Tim Ferriss
Sometimes you have to protect the life of the play. It seems like spelling out mysterious, musical details can destroy a play by making the motivations too clear, too simplex.
 John Guare
Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death.
 Rosalind Russell
Aggression means emotions. Emotions means you’re gonna get off your plan and that means you’ll lose the fight.
 Wladimir Klitschko
Mount Everest, you beat me the first time, but I'll beat you the next time because you've grown all you are going to grow... but I'm still growing!
 Edmund Hillary
In past times when one lived in contact with nature, abstraction was easy; it was done unconsciously. Now in our denaturalized age abstraction becomes an effort.
 Piet Mondrian
Lasting goal achievement requires lots of time, hard work, sacrifice & dedication to a process that is maintained over years.
 Marshall Goldsmith
The absolute minimum for effective exercise is three times a week on alternate days for at least half an hour.
 Jane Fonda
The big difference between human happiness and sadness? Thirty-seven freakin\' vibrations.
The big difference between human happiness and sadness? Thirty-seven freakin' vibrations.
 Michael Tilson Thomas
If you really want something, and really work hard, and take advantage of opportunities, and never give up, you will find a way.. Follow your Dreams.
 Jane Goodall
Be patient. Relax and trust. Let go. Then, let go some more.
 Melody Beattie
Having a place to live is a fundamental right and the state must establish a framework that ensures that apartments are affordable.
 Martin Schulz
If it's important to you and you want to do it 'eventually', just do it and correct course along the way.
 Tim Ferriss
Let your imagination release your imprisoned possibilities
 Robert H. Schuller
Motivations are too tangled and complex.
 Russell Banks
Tom's great yellow bronze mask all draped upon an iron framework. An inhibited, nerve-drawn; dropped face - as if hung on a scaffold of heavy private brooding; and thought.
I was raised with this idea of hard work and keeping doors open. To be able to choose what you want to do in the future. That was what we tried to tell our children, too.
 Christiane Nusslein-Volhard
We as a church need to decide whether we\'ll seek the Anointing of God or the God of the Anointing
We as a church need to decide whether we'll seek the Anointing of God or the God of the Anointing
 Paul Cain
It is not failure itself that holds you back; it is the fear of failure that paralyzes you.