How shall I be able to rule ...

How shall I be able to rule over others, that have not full power and command of myself?
How shall I be able to rule over others, that have not full power and command of myself?
 Francois Rabelais

More phrases

Who sows virtue reaps honor.
He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.
The fixed determination to have acquired the warrior soul, to either conquer or perish with honor, is the secret of victory.
 George S. Patton
We are all warriors. Each of us struggles every day to define and defend our sense of purpose and integrity, to justify our existence on the planet and to understand, if only within our own hearts, who we are and what we believe in.
 Steven Pressfield
See first with your mind, then with your eyes, and finally with your body.
 Yagyu Munenori

Quotes from the same author

I place no hope in my strength, nor in my works: but all my confidence is in God my protector, who never abandons those who have put all their hope and thought in him.
 Francois Rabelais
Ignorance is the mother of all evils.
 Francois Rabelais
There is nothing holy nor sacred to those who have abandoned God and reason in order to follow their perverse desires.
 Francois Rabelais
Gargantua, at the age of four hundred four score and forty- four years begat his son Pantagruel, from his wife, named Badebec, daughter of the King of the Amaurotes in Utopia, who died in child-birth: because he was marvelously huge and so heavy that he could not come to light without suffocating his mother.
 Francois Rabelais
The deed will be accomplished with the least amount of bloodshed possible, and, if possible ..., we'll save all the souls and send them happily off to their abode.
 Francois Rabelais