How does this whole guardian ...

How does this whole guardian angel business work? Am I the only person who can see you? I mean, are you invisible to everyone else?\
How does this whole guardian angel business work? Am I the only person who can see you? I mean, are you invisible to everyone else?" Patch stared at me like he hoped I wasn't serious.    "You're not invisible?" I squeaked. "You have to get out of here!" I made a movement to push Patch off the bed but was cut short by a searing jab in my ribs. "She'll kill me if she finds you in here. Can you climb trees? Tell me you can climb a tree!"    Patch grinned. "I can fly."    Oh. Right. Well, okay.

Quotes from the same author

You think the two of us and a slummy motel make for a dangerous combination?
I’m not going anywhere near a motel with you.
He's got the whole bad-boy-in-need-of-redemption thing going on, but the catch is, most bad boys don't want redemption. They like being bad. They like the power they get from striking fear and panic into the hearts of mothers everywhere
I need an endorphin boost. And making out in an abandoned barn with me will give you one? No, it will probably put me in an endorphin coma, and I’m more than happy to test the theory.
Patch wasn't the kind of guy mothers smiled on. He was the kind of guy they changed the house locks for.