Hillary Clinton could say she ...

Hillary Clinton could say she was a woman and running for president. And Sarah Palin could say she was a woman and running for vice-president. But Obama couldn't say, 'I'm black and I'm running for president.' It couldn't come out of his mouth. He couldn't say that because, if he did, he'd lose votes.
 Paul Mooney

Quotes from the same author

You know who you are. If my mother is a nun and someone comes up to me and they go, 'Your mother is a prostitute.' It is not going to bother me, because I know my mother is a nun, she's not a prostitute.
 Paul Mooney
White people are very good at acting like they're not racist. They deserve an Academy Award for that.
 Paul Mooney
I don't want affirmative action - too much affirmative, not enough action.
 Paul Mooney