Inspiring Hero Quotes to Ignite the Fire Within You - page 104

Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.
Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.
I grew up in the '80s in L.A., so Ice Cube and Magic Johnson are my heroes.
 Jonah Hill
Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.
If you could get up the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.
 David Viscott
Of course motivation is not permanent. But then, neither is bathing; but it is something you should do on a regular basis.
“You should reach the limits of virtue before you cross the border of death.”
An effective leader develops the ability to correctly identify the pertinent detail or details - incidentals in a market, industry or sport that might create an incremental advantage.
I think it's very admirable, in a superhero movie, to be able to take a few risks.
 Shane Black
The Prophet Muhammad (s) said: "It is better for a leader to make a mistake in forgiving than to make a mistake in punishing.
 Muhammad ibn Isa at-Tirmidhi
It is a common failing of childhood to think that if one makes a hero out of a demon the demon will be satisfied.
It is a common failing of childhood to think that if one makes a hero out of a demon the demon will be satisfied.
 Yukio Mishima
Even if you are sick, you fight until you have nothing left.
 Andre Ward
The Republicans tend to choose the candidate who came in second place in the last election, and Democrats tend to move on. Ask President Ed Muskie how it worked out to be the front-runner. Ask President Howard Dean how it worked out.
 Brian Schweitzer
Leadership is about tapping the wellsprings of human motivation - and about fundamental relations with one's fellows.
 Tom Peters
If you don't have the ability to see when to stand up and the conviction to do it, you'll never be an effective leader.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
 Bob Fitzsimmons
You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God's creative principle works in you.
 Paramahansa Yogananda
A new leader has to be able to change an organization that is dreamless, soulless and visionless... someone's got to make a wake up call.
 Warren G. Bennis
“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”
You can always lie to others and hide your actions from them... but you can not fool yourself
You can always lie to others and hide your actions from them... but you can not fool yourself
Jody Houser, who writes Mother Panic, has this noir-ish superhero style. She's very adaptable.
 Gerard Way