He who accepts his poverty ...

He who accepts his poverty unhurt I'd say is rich although he lacked a shirt. But truly poor are they who whine and fret and covet what they cannot hope to get.
 Geoffrey Chaucer

Quotes from the same author

Time and tide wait for no man.
 Geoffrey Chaucer
He that loveth God will do diligence to please God by his works, and abandon himself, with all his might, well for to do.
 Geoffrey Chaucer
Thus with hir fader for a certeyn space Dwelleth this flour of wyfly pacience, That neither by hir wordes ne hir face Biforn the folk, ne eek in her absence, Ne shewed she that hir was doon offence.
 Geoffrey Chaucer
Abstinence is approved of God.
 Geoffrey Chaucer
Strike while the iron is hot.
 Geoffrey Chaucer