He doesn't have demons. He's ...

He doesn't have demons. He's not Batman, he doesn't struggle with inner turmoil. The nature of this character is that he puts himself last and helps the common good. So he could easily slip into a world of boredom, The blessing and curse of Captain America is that he doesn't have that fancy an ability. He doesn't live in another world, or turn green. He doesn't have bells and whistles, he doesn't shoot missiles. He punches and kicks.
 Chris Evans

Quotes from the same author

There's, you know, there's an ideology behind Ultron that makes him more unique that just a bad guy. He doesn't wanna just kill the Avengers. He doesn't wanna just destroy the world. He has these monologues and these beautiful speeches that kind of embody a certain mentality about what's wrong with humanity.
 Chris Evans
The Internet is a big place where a lot of people can voice their opinions, and my mother chooses to pick fights with random people from all over the world who don't have the nicest things to say about me.
 Chris Evans
If women feel they are able to go from partner to partner without feeling emotionally invested and ultimately hurt, they should go for it.
 Chris Evans
I used to be in love with Sandra Bullock when I was growing up. Sandy B. was my girl. I remember seeing Speed when I was in seventh grade and just thinking, 'That's her.'
 Chris Evans
Every guy I know has some sort of freak injury in their body.
 Chris Evans