Having a child makes you ...

Having a child makes you strong and gives you chutzpah. It relaxed my attitude to the job; my center of focus shifted, which I think is very helpful, because even if you're not a very indulgent actor you spend a lot of time thinking about yourself. I don't think that is particularly healthy.
 Imelda Staunton

Quotes from the same author

Her death has had a huge effect on me. It felt like a big hole appeared on my left side - apparently your left side is your mother - which I thought could never be filled. Now I think what you have to do is fill it with yourself because your mother is part of you. I'm easing into that space, using it and being comforted by it.
 Imelda Staunton
A lot of me is very up, and you have to have light and shade. They are both important and you have to be able to balance them. You have to admit that sadness is part of you and that it enriches you. I use it in my work.
 Imelda Staunton
Agents and producers have to get you into a box to accommodate their limited imaginations.
 Imelda Staunton
We're all unique as actors. To yourself, you are unique, you have to think 'I'm me, I'm not going to bunch myself with other people.' Agents and producers have to get you into a box, to accommodate their limited imaginations.
 Imelda Staunton
I don't think it's that I don't like Sondheim. It's that I find it really... I don't know how to describe it. Doing it is the most extraordinary thing. Because it's like Shakespeare times 100 with singing. It's that satisfying - and that demanding.
 Imelda Staunton