Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 85

When you are racing in an able-bodied competition, you\'re all equal and you go out there and try your best, and that\'s what counts.
When you are racing in an able-bodied competition, you're all equal and you go out there and try your best, and that's what counts.
 Natalie du Toit
I only achieve simplicity with enormous effort
 Clarice Lispector
Friends and acquaintances are the surest passport to fortune.
I became an actor kind of by accident. I was in musical theater and I got a job as an actor in a play and kept going. But I never set out to be an actor; it happened over time.
 Christopher Walken
No one can guarantee you a job other than satisfied customers. That's the only thing that works. Nothing creates work other than products and services you provide that create satisfied customers.
 Jack Welch
No verse is libre for the man who wants to do a good job.
 Ezra Pound
When someone comments on my weight, I have to work hard to stand in front of the mirror and say, "This is who you are. You're okay in this lady, and you're a great, healthy, lovable and loving person." I try to accept myself.
 Rosie O'Donnell
This is not our job, but we always follow the actions of our European partners closely and we wish them luck.
Your job is to preserve yourself, not to descend into their hole. It's a relief when you arrive at this place, the point of absurdity, because then you are free, you owe them nothing.
 Abraham Verghese
If I, in some small way can help people to see that there is this huge, incredible life on the other side of addiction, you know, I will feel accomplished in my job.
If I, in some small way can help people to see that there is this huge, incredible life on the other side of addiction, you know, I will feel accomplished in my job.
 Michael Botticelli
Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
Indigenous languages are Canada's national treasures. They are our identity. We simply have to put greater effort into rejuvenating and revitalizing them. It is key to moving forward.
 Perry Bellegarde
Enthusiasm is the yeast that raises the dough.
 Paul J. Meyer
Without a moral framework, there is nothing left but immediate self-indulgence by some and the path of least resistance by others. Neither can sustain a free society.
Once lay down the rule that the job comes first and you throw that job open to every individual, man or woman, fat or thin, tall or short, ugly or beautiful, who is able to do that job better than the rest of the world.
 Dorothy L. Sayers
The State's your mother, your father, the totality of your interests. No discipline can be too severe for the man that denies thatby word or deed.
My mom always told me that if you work hard, you can achieve anything. And it's true. It's one of the truest things ever.
 Jennifer Lopez
Take a commonplace, clean it and polish it, light it so that it produces the same effect of youth and freshness and originality and spontaneity as it did originally, and you have done a poet's job. The rest is literature.
 Jean Cocteau
I think a lot of times it\'s not money that\'s the primary motivation factor; it\'s the passion for your job and the professional and personal satisfaction that you get out of doing what you do that motivates you.
I think a lot of times it's not money that's the primary motivation factor; it's the passion for your job and the professional and personal satisfaction that you get out of doing what you do that motivates you.
 Martin Yan
First, there must be talent. . .Then there must be discipline. . .Then there must be. . .and absolute conscience. . .to prevent faking.