Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 81

I hate to say that my mother was \'just a housewife\', because in addition to that she has had lots of part-time secretarial jobs in factories and hospitals, always working really hard for our family.
I hate to say that my mother was 'just a housewife', because in addition to that she has had lots of part-time secretarial jobs in factories and hospitals, always working really hard for our family.
 Kelly Reilly
Positions and titles mean absolutely nothing. They're just adornments; they don't represent the substance of anybody. Every person and every job is worth as much as any other person and any other job.
 Herb Kelleher
Pay attention to those employees who respectfully ask why. They are demonstrating an interest in their jobs and exhibiting a curiosity that could eventually translate into leadership ability.
 Harvey Mackay
Highly effective people tend to be proactive. They decide to find a better job or to have better health, rather than of responding to whatever curves life throws at them.
Because that’s the thing about the exact moment when you get somewhere that has required effort: There’s a freeze-frame instant of total fulfillment, when every expectation has been met and the world is perfect.
 Amanda Lindhout
Question authority; think for yourself. Talk to people, do things unrelated to school - to come up with your own framework for living. The world is too complex and people are too different to be overly prescriptive about the details.
 Joichi Ito
American Idol' has done a great job of defaming my name and throwing a lot of mud at me for the past two years, so that set up a lot of roadblocks for me.
 Corey Clark
Discipline is knowing what to do. Knowing when to do it. Doing it to the best of your abilities. Doing it that way every single time.
 Bobby Knight
I'm just learning every day and I hope to continue that until the day I die. I'm just trying to learn and experience as much as I possibly can. I look at acting, at how I look at being involved in a job and living my life and prioritising.
 Emma Stone
The value of achievement lies in the achieving.
The value of achievement lies in the achieving.
Go to the people. Learn from them. Live with them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. The best of leaders when the job is done, when the task is accomplished, the people will say we have done it ourselves.
I tend to ... if I decide to do a job, want to be able to trust my director...
 Charlize Theron
Look at what the Omar of Qatar is doing, for example - the King of Morocco, Jordan, Bahrain. There are reform movements taking place, efforts to broaden the political participation of the populations of the region.
 Frank Carlucci
I take the definition and title of my job - Representative - seriously. Thats what I will be above and beyond everything else.
 Grace Meng
It is not the job of mathematicians... to do correct arithmetical operations. It is the job of bank accountants.
 Samuil Shatunovsky
To achieve success, whatever the job we have, we must pay a price
Our Age of Anxiety is, in great part, the result of trying to do today's job with yesterday's tools and yesterday's concepts.
My achievements in the field of chess are the result of immense hard work in studying theory.
 Alexander Kotov
We saw — we conducted the experiment. I mean, it’s been done. We saw Apple with Steve Jobs. We saw Apple without Steve Jobs. We saw Apple with Steve Jobs. Now, we’re gonna see Apple without Steve Jobs.
We saw — we conducted the experiment. I mean, it’s been done. We saw Apple with Steve Jobs. We saw Apple without Steve Jobs. We saw Apple with Steve Jobs. Now, we’re gonna see Apple without Steve Jobs.
 Larry Ellison
It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle man who is the miserable man.