Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 78

My mother was harsh and constantly told me I had jug ears and heaven knows what else. But she was devoted and a hard worker.
My mother was harsh and constantly told me I had jug ears and heaven knows what else. But she was devoted and a hard worker.
 Carmen Dell'Orefice
If you put down a list of jobs, doctor, lawyer, janitor, teacher or movie star, everybody would pick the movie star. And why? So you could lie around the pool, drink margaritas and send money to your parents. So that's what I did.
 Steve Guttenberg
It's part of my job. You can't play Veronica Guerin sounding like this. It just wouldn't wash. But what I find fascinating about doing an accent - unless it's a farce - is that it's not slapped on.
 Cate Blanchett
Wherever we can multiply our forces and our civilizational efforts, absorbing other elements, no law can prohibit us from doing so, as such actions are our duty.
 Roman Dmowski
Ive heard of nothing coming from nothing, but Ive never heard of absolutely nothing coming from hard work.
 Uzo Aduba
Acting can be so much fun that it's easy to forget that what you're doing is a job. But if I've got my tie on, I'm going to work.
 Ashton Kutcher
American Dream Is Under Assault. People that haven't been able to find a job in months and this growing sense in this country that this is the new normal, well we can't accept that.
I wasn't nervous at all. I applied the same amount of efforts to the love scenes as I did to the skating and the acting and everything else.
I actually wrote my first zombie book way before I got the job on 'Saturday Night Live.
 Max Brooks
Effective listening is a professional achievement-achieved only through hard work.
Effective listening is a professional achievement-achieved only through hard work.
 Tom Peters
I believe if you work hard and you dream big enough, you can accomplish anything in this world.
 Buddy Valastro
If all of us who love baseball and are doing our jobs, then those who get the game from us will be as proud to be a part of it as we were. And we are. This game is a gift, and I am humbled, very humbled, to accept its greatest honor.
 Joe Torre
I'd like to incite people to break the framework, to be disobedient in school, to stick their tongues out, to keep insulting authority.
Earthly majesty is always akin to the fallen angel, who is proud and unhappy, beautiful but troubled, and whose plans and efforts, though vast, are denied access.
 Otto von Bismarck
He's probably the hardest-working guy I've been around who has great ability. Overachievers work hard because they have to. Peyton has rare talent, but chooses to push himself like he doesn't.
 Tony Dungy
[What if my advisor talks only about returns, not risk?] ... It's his job to take risk into account by telling you the range of possible outcomes you face. If he won't, go get a new planner, someone who will get real.
 William Forsyth Sharpe
Every great success is an accumulation of thousands of ordinary efforts that no one else sees or appreciates.
I visited Jobs for the last time in his Palo Alto, Calif., home. He had moved to a downstairs bedroom because he was too weak to go up and down stairs. He was curled up in some pain, but his mind was still sharp and his humor vibrant
 Walter Isaacson
Framework, (...) addiction to female beauty and sex; deprivation of the beautiful woman and sex with her until the man guarantees economic security in return; (.
Framework, (...) addiction to female beauty and sex; deprivation of the beautiful woman and sex with her until the man guarantees economic security in return; (.
 Warren Farrell
We move through places every day that would never have been if not for those who came before us. Our workplaces, where we spend so much time--we often think they began with our arrival. That's not true.