Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 77

Politics and acting are very closely tied. The job is to convince.
Politics and acting are very closely tied. The job is to convince.
 Kevin Spacey
Each job I had wasn't necessarily the perfect job, but I always talk to young women about how you really have to take certain things from each job and learn from that and then move on to something you really want to do.
 Tory Burch
I loved playing baseball, and the only reason I played was to play professional baseball. I wanted that to be my career for a long time. I turned down multiple jobs and meetings because of it.
 Tyler Hoechlin
The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.
 Edward R. Murrow
We cannot accomplish all that we need to do without working together.
 Bill Richardson
An army formed of good officers moves like clockwork; but there is no situation upon earth less enviable, nor more distressing, than that person's who is at the head of troops which are regardless of order and discipline.
Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes.
 William Bennett
There are 80 jobs in which women earn more than men - positions like financial analyst, speech-language pathologist, radiation therapist, library worker, biological technician, motion picture projectionist.
 Warren Farrell
I consider acting a day job - it\'s not my dream; it\'s not my be-all, end-all.
I consider acting a day job - it's not my dream; it's not my be-all, end-all.
 Evangeline Lilly
As the economy faces such difficulties, more tough questions need to be asked about what the Tories would do if elected. Their ideology of free markets and small government needs challenging. That has to be part of our job.
 Lucy Powell
My job as a designer is to look into the future. Not to use any frame of reference that exists
 Marc Newson
Venture capital is about .02% of the U.S. economy invested, and it accounts for 11% of total U.S. jobs and 21% of U.S. economic output. And the reason why is because these companies can get very big, very quickly.
 Juan Enriquez
Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted.
 David Bly
Well, any effort to maximize your potential and ability is a good thing.
 Daniel Goleman
I believe in magic, and having a vision. The tough times made me a warrior. I work hard.
 Neon Hitch
My parents were neither wealthy nor academic, but we lived comfortably and they were always extremely supportive of my academic efforts and aspirations, both at school and university.
 Paul Nurse
I don't believe in geniuses, I believe in hard work.
 Michel Petrucciani
Pre-emptive war might fall within the framework of international law.
Pre-emptive war might fall within the framework of international law.
It is because freedom means the renunciation of direct control of individual efforts that a free society can make use of so much more knowledge than the mind of the wisest ruler could comprehend.