Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 72

Motherhood definitely took the focus off of my work. And I didn\'t mind. I had a few panics when I thought that if I wanted to work I couldn\'t get a job anymore and then I would get one once in a while and it would make me feel better.
Motherhood definitely took the focus off of my work. And I didn't mind. I had a few panics when I thought that if I wanted to work I couldn't get a job anymore and then I would get one once in a while and it would make me feel better.
 Uma Thurman
I was a cartoonist when I was at university, but I decided to go into movie making knowing that I could still draw by doing movies, design work, story boards, and such.
 Robert Rodriguez
I was 18 years old when I did the pilot [of Hi Honey, I'm Home], so I was a freshman at NYU, and it was one of my first professional auditions in New York City. And I somehow booked the job. I have no idea how.
 Julie Benz
Work hard to achieve integrity in your work and your relationships with the people you work with.
 Rebel Wilson
The conditions of suffering that exist today in our impoverished communities are not acceptable. The reflection of those conditions are less concerning to me. And I work everyday about changing the conditions.
 Russell Simmons
I think acting is a gift. I look at someone like Ben Kingsley, and hes incredibly charismatic, even when hes not acting. Hes an incredibly hard worker, and he has a very specific system that he does with his work.
 Jonathan Jackson
Perhaps the central reason that Ahmadinejad's message, and the hundreds of thousands of voices echoing his call throughout the world, are so dangerous is because the Free World is making precious little effort to assert its own message.
 Caroline Glick
The philosophers of antiquity taught contempt for work, that degradation of the free man, the poets sang of idleness, that gift from the Gods.
 Paul Lafargue
I have no regrets. I don't believe in looking back. What I am proudest of? Working really hard... and achieving as much as I could.
 Elena Kagan
To focus on discipline is to ignore the real problem: We will never be able to get students (or anyone else) to be in good order if, day after day, we try to force them to do what they do not find satisfying.
To focus on discipline is to ignore the real problem: We will never be able to get students (or anyone else) to be in good order if, day after day, we try to force them to do what they do not find satisfying.
 William Glasser
Leadership is the ability to encourage the best efforts of others in working toward a desirable goal.
 Spencer W. Kimball
Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.
 James M. Barrie
Most people are good people. But they're afraid to speak out, they're afraid for their safety and their jobs. And unfortunately that dictates a lot of their actions.
 Jon Shenk
The absolute minimum for effective exercise is three times a week on alternate days for at least half an hour.
 Jane Fonda
So far as discipline is concerned, freedom means not its absence but the use of higher and more rational forms as contrasted with those that are lower or less rational.
 Charles Horton Cooley
I left school at 16 and my mother got me a job as a trainee wine taster. But one day I followed some girls into St Martin's art school and saw a voluptuous woman sitting on a stool being sketched. I decided to get myself fired.
 Malcolm Mclaren
Working with Scorsese was an absolute dream, and one of my favourite ever jobs was 'Beowulf' because it was just pure acting. Your imagination explodes as you try to imagine you're fighting a dragon or whatever.
 Ray Winstone
There are certainly beliefs in traditional Buddhism that conflict with basic principles of scientific understanding, .. We can't make sense of those beliefs in any kind of scientific framework.
 Richard Davidson
I\'m able to support my wife and family off of gymnastics. But at the same time I do take it very seriously - it is a job for me.
I'm able to support my wife and family off of gymnastics. But at the same time I do take it very seriously - it is a job for me.
 Jonathan Horton
If a mother or a caregiver does not have a job that pays a living wage and they cannot afford child care, that is unacceptable.
 Nina Turner