Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 44

Eating a vegetarian diet can contribute more to saving ourselves and the planet than any other single effort.
Eating a vegetarian diet can contribute more to saving ourselves and the planet than any other single effort.
 Sharon Gannon
Don't mistake activity with achievement.
The only thing I really wanted was the freedom to be able to get what I want on film. I’ve dealt with the MPAA since 1973, so I know how to renegotiate and rework.
 Martin Scorsese
I always thought acting was all lights, camera, action. It's a job; you have to do your job correctly.
 Corey Haim
We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It's our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.
 Jeff Bezos
My colleagues have expressed confidence in my ability to articulate our conservative message and to provide new focus to our efforts in the General Assembly.
 Philip E. Berger
When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree by the river of truth, and tell the whole world - No, you move.
 J. Michael Straczynski
From the very start of my career, it was clear to me that achievement was built on discipline.
 Max Schmeling
Lesbian and gay people are a permanent part of the American workforce, who currently have no protection from the arbitrary abuse of their rights on the job.
 Coretta Scott King
Facts are facts: No president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the Great Depression inherited a worse economy, bigger job losses or deeper problems from his predecessor. But President Obama is moving America forward, not back.
Facts are facts: No president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the Great Depression inherited a worse economy, bigger job losses or deeper problems from his predecessor. But President Obama is moving America forward, not back.
 Martin O'Malley
The power of one man or one woman doing the right thing for the right reason, and at the right time, is the greatest influence in our society.
 Jack Kemp
There are certain jobs I don't take because I feel no connection to the person. But if somebody is open with me, and honest about their motivations, and has some level of self-awareness, then I'm going to understand them.
 Hilary Liftin
I'm fortunate that my job gives me the motivation to be as fit as possible. I wound up in a profession that requires physical and mental preparation, so I get to prepare like an athlete for everything I do. I'm living the dream, man.
 Mark Wahlberg
I started working out with a trainer and I immediately saw results.
 Taylor Dane
My mum still wonders when I'll get a real job. These are the questions we discuss at our family dinners.
 Aron Flam
I have always believed that the more educated the clients are, the easier they are to work with. Clients with a knowledge of decorating, and an ability to articulate what they want from the finished project, make the designer's job easier.
 Albert Hadley
Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
 Francis of Assisi
Design job fell on me. I didn't want to do it. It was an accident. For the first 10 years I said, "Tomorrow I'm stopping.
 Sonia Rykiel
Most families need both parents to work. Moms need to be able to work and earn fair pay and have the flexibility in their jobs to also be primary caretakers.
Most families need both parents to work. Moms need to be able to work and earn fair pay and have the flexibility in their jobs to also be primary caretakers.
 Joan Blades
To survive, humans will work together. Accept each other. For a moment, we are all equal. Backs against the wall, human beings are at their finest.
 Daniel H. Wilson