Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 41

Nations consist of people. And with their effort, a nation can accomplish all it could ever want.
Nations consist of people. And with their effort, a nation can accomplish all it could ever want.
 Abdul Kalam
If you think back , the Academy was doing a better job. Think about how many more African Americans were nominated.We need to get better at this. We used to be better at it.
 George Clooney
The path of social advancement is, and must be, strewn with broken friendships.
I like writing. It's partly control freak, and partly I really like what I do for a living. I have the luckiest job in the world. I can get up every day and do what I love for a living.
 J. Michael Straczynski
I don't want to play a laptop live if I'm just going to sit there, so it's also a problem of working at my movie theater job long enough to get money to get better equipment.
 Kyle Parker
The real and effectual discipline which is exercised over a workman is that of his customers. It is the fear of losing their employment which restrains his frauds and corrects his negligence.
 Adam Smith
I am fortunate to have access to an array support and services, and I certainly could not do my job without them. But sadly, not everyone has access to the same resources.
 James Langevin
The vast majority of the rich in this country did not inherit their wealth; they earned it. They are the country's achievers, producers, and job creators.
India is this great experiment of a billion people of such great diverse persuasions working together, seeking their salvation in the framework of a democracy. I believe it will have some lessons for all the multicultural societies.
 Manmohan Singh
A political satirist\'s job is to draw blood. I\'m not so much interested in politics as I am in overthrowing the government.
A political satirist's job is to draw blood. I'm not so much interested in politics as I am in overthrowing the government.
 Mort Sahl
How shall I be able to rule over others, that have not full power and command of myself?
 Francois Rabelais
There's no business like show business.
 Irving Berlin
It's mental discipline that sets one apart, the ability to think differently and to generate energy in the right direction.
 Sachin Tendulkar
It has never been more critical that a leader step forward to accelerate our understanding of cancer - and champion the effort to finally defeat it. That leader will be the Duke Cancer Institute.
 Victor J. Dzau
There's no business like show business, but there are several businesses like accounting.
Our democracy, our constitutional framework is really a kind of software for harnessing the creativity and political imagination for all of our people. The American democratic system was an early political version of Napster.
You can either go to bed satisfied with your efforts today or stressed with what you left for tomorrow. You can either work hard to take on the hill or never know what it is that people see at the top.
 Joe De Sena
Sometimes I say to myself, what are you doing in this absurd job? Why don't you go to Africa and help people? But I cannot help people, because I am a hypochondriac.
 Javier Bardem
Hold yourself on your own. A man\'s job in a romantic dynamic is not to be your butler, bank account or your father.
Hold yourself on your own. A man's job in a romantic dynamic is not to be your butler, bank account or your father.
 Amy Chan
I love hiking in the mountains in Aspen. Breathing the clean, fresh air is great. Plus, it gives me a cardiovascular workout and firms my legs.
 Chris Evert