Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 27

Synergy - the bonus that is achieved when things work together harmoniously.
Synergy - the bonus that is achieved when things work together harmoniously.
A venture not accomplished is loss; working together towards success is VICTORY!
 Mark Edward
The framework of men's wear is so narrow, that when you play at the edges you get labeled.
 Hedi Slimane
Avoid fragmentation: Find your focus and seek simplicity. Purposeful living calls for elegant efficiency and economy of effort-expanding the minimum time and energy necessary to achieve desired goals.
 Dan Millman
Through discipline comes freedom.
Just having medicine isn't equivalent to medical care. You need the health systems, you need to create the social framework so that people feel safe.
 Annie Lennox
There is an international treaty framework for this. It's the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Most countries in the world are members of the treaty.
 John Burroughs
I didn't marry. I didn't have children. I followed the food supply for jobs. I kept writing at night. And that kept me moving. It kept my life disruptive. It broke up many relationships. Was it worth it? Yes.
 Sandra Cisneros
A lot of jobs don't allow you to be who you are. There is dignity in work only when it is work freely accepted.
Absolute, unquestioning faith in God is the greatest method of instantaneous healing. An unceasing effort to arouse that faith is man\'s highest and most rewarding duty.
Absolute, unquestioning faith in God is the greatest method of instantaneous healing. An unceasing effort to arouse that faith is man's highest and most rewarding duty.
 Paramahansa Yogananda
I personally admire Steve Jobs not most for what he did, or what he said, but for what he stood for. The largest lesson I learned from Steve was that the joy in life is in the journey, and I saw him live this every day.
 Tim Cook
It is not action or effort that we must surrender; it is self-will, and this is terribly difficult. You must do your best constantly, yet never allow yourself to become involved in whether things work out the way you want.
 Eknath Easwaran
I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work.
 Pearl S. Buck
I had a job as an illustrator, and I wanted to change the direction of my work. I moved to the country, and immediately I started to paint fairies and trolls.
 Brian Froud
All of the jobs have gone away to satisfy the stockholders, so that's where the economy has gone. These major multinational corporations do not see their futures in America.
Music was my ultimate ambition but I liked all of it. I wanted to discipline myself in dance and acting too and I'd done all three since I was 9-years-old. I could sing, but I didn't become a great singer.
 Amy Winehouse
My very first acting job was with Alan Parker on' Angela's Ashes,' but as a child, I had written to so many other productions just applying for any role. I always wanted to be an actress, and I did loads of acting summer schools.
 Kerry Condon
It is the repeated performance of just and temperate actions that produces virtue.
Work while others are wishing.
Work while others are wishing.
I'm sure that they will continue to look for ways to try and undermine my support, but I have every confidence that in doing this job for South Dakota, I will continue to build on my support and be able to succeed once again in November.
 Stephanie Herseth Sandlin