Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 26

The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.
The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.
 Arnold J. Toynbee
By the grace of God alone, I was able to still focus, when it was time for me to do my job, and I think I've done it pretty good, and I know I can buckle down even more.
The martial arts are based upon understanding, hard work and a total comprehension of skills. Power training and the use of force are easy, but total comprehension of all of the skills of the martial arts is very difficult to achieve.
Nobody wants to be a lawyer - it's hard work. But it was kind of my academic route.
 Vinny Guadagnino
Psychology and acting are very closely linked. It's just about studying people and how they work. It can be an incredible discipline and exercise.
 Claire Danes
Being a mother is quite tiring. There's not much time to do anything. You just rush around and it's hard work.
 Kirsty Gallacher
We need artists to help us come together and share our voices and build community around powerful issues concerning our roles in the world and our planet's survival. Compassion must be translated into action.
 Natasha Mayers
A fitness instructor in Maine has been charged with running a prostitution business out of her Zumba dance studio. Authorities first got suspicious when they saw guys going to work out at a Zumba dance studio.
That's not an accident that Donald Trump didn't begin with, say, trade or jobs or anything, that he actually began by otherizing the first African-American president of the United States.
 Ta-Nehisi Coates
What the Democrats have to understand is that while we do need to reform our regulation and we do need more restrictions, it is true that it is capitalism and free enterprise and companies that create jobs and wealth for every American.
What the Democrats have to understand is that while we do need to reform our regulation and we do need more restrictions, it is true that it is capitalism and free enterprise and companies that create jobs and wealth for every American.
 Michael Bloomberg
The effort of Reince Priebus and the RNC to reach out to movement conservatives has been impressive and will, I believe pay great dividends come election time
 Ken Blackwell
Congratulations on your job at the bank! Yes. You work for the bank. After taxes, your largest expense is your mortgage and credit-card debt.
Some things you have to do every day. Eating about seven apples on Saturday night instead of one a day just isn't going to get the job done.
True freedom is impossible without a mind made free by discipline.
 Mortimer Adler
Remember, results aren't the criteria for success — it's the effort made for achievement that is most important.
A reliable assurance of the right and ability to dismantle the constructed structure must be offered, before the job of construction starts in earnest.
 Zygmunt Bauman
I hope and pray that mother nature is leaving us alone to get on with the job of cleaning up and recovering from this event.
 Anna Bligh
Our educational system is not preparing people for the 21st Century. Failure is an essential part of entrepreneurship. If you work hard, you can get an 'A' pretty much guaranteed, but in entrepreneurship, that's not how it works.
 Eric Ries
We must ensure that every worker has healthcare and is able to save for their retirement. We must ensure that our workers have safe and health working conditions.
We must ensure that every worker has healthcare and is able to save for their retirement. We must ensure that our workers have safe and health working conditions.
 Leonard Boswell
I tried playing electric for awhile and it just didn't work out. My reflexes are centered on the six string acoustic. I just played the electric too hard and it sounded awful, so I gave it up.
 Tom Rush