Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 24

I\'ve been doing the Fonda workout: the Peter Fonda workout. That\'s where I wake up, take a hit of acid, smoke a joint, and go to my sister\'s house and ask her for money.
I've been doing the Fonda workout: the Peter Fonda workout. That's where I wake up, take a hit of acid, smoke a joint, and go to my sister's house and ask her for money.
 Kevin Meaney
I know what I want, I have a goal, an opinion, I have a religion and love. Let me be myself and then I am satisfied. I know that I’m a woman, a woman with inward strength and plenty of courage.
 Anne Frank
In order to achieve optimal economic growth, Congress must adhere to sane spending guidelines while promoting smart policies devoted to growing businesses and creating jobs.
 Michael Steele
You can't abandon people there and say, go and find a job, when you know they are not going to be able to find one, and therefore starve to death. So we have got to address that matter, but we have got to address it systematically.
 Thabo Mbeki
Anyone who has ever been able to sustain good work has had at least one person--and often many--who have believed in him or her. We just don't get to be competent human beings without a lot of different investments from others.
 Fred Rogers
Investing in industries and technology for the 21st century generates high-skilled, high-wage jobs for industries of the future.
 Jay Inslee
There is no intrinsic virtue to law and order unless 'law' is equated with justice and 'order' with the discipline of a people satisfied that justice has been done.
The ability to work hard for days on end without losing focus is a talent. The ability to keep absorbing new information after many hours of study is a talent.
An acting career usually has about a shelf life of ten years before people get sick of seeing you. It's a good thing to have a job to fall back on and I really do enjoy directing.
 George Clooney
If there\'s anything I\'m not pompous about, it\'s myself or my work. But I seem to be able to play it.
If there's anything I'm not pompous about, it's myself or my work. But I seem to be able to play it.
 William Shatner
Within the framework of something very dramatic, funny things happen. Organically, from them.
 Gloria Calderon Kellett
Dude, writing, acting and directing are such easy jobs. But to do them all as awesomely as Zach Braff does, well that... that's something.
 Zach Braff
I love my body. And, I'm always working out. I'm an exercise freak, be it cardio, weights, t'ai chi or yoga.
It's time to put our differences aside and find ways to work together to move Wisconsin forward.
 Scott Walker
There are many whose tongues might govern multitudes, if they could govern their tongues.
 Jim Prentice
The goal of long-run economic growth without asset price bubbles is not only achievable, but is something we should expect if we put a sound regulatory framework in place and if policymakers remain vigilant.
 Christina Romer
Your scheme must be the framework of the universe; all other schemes will soon be ruins.
The steady discipline of intimate friendship with Jesus results in men becoming like Him.
 Harry Emerson Fosdick
Just using a checklist requires [doctors] to embrace different values from ones we\'ve had, like humility, discipline, teamwork.
Just using a checklist requires [doctors] to embrace different values from ones we've had, like humility, discipline, teamwork.
 Atul Gawande
Everything vanishes round me and good works rise from me of their own accord.
 Paul Klee