Inspiring Hard Work Quotes to Help You Reach Your Goals - page 20

I think any player will tell you that individual accomplishments help your ego, but if you don\'t win, it makes for a very, very long season. It counts more that the team has played well.
I think any player will tell you that individual accomplishments help your ego, but if you don't win, it makes for a very, very long season. It counts more that the team has played well.
 David Robinson
Art has to change things, and if it was immediately acceptable it would not be doing the job.
 Antony Gormley
I always treat all the jobs I do as an acting class.
 Kyle Chandler
When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.
 Henry J. Kaiser
Tom's great yellow bronze mask all draped upon an iron framework. An inhibited, nerve-drawn; dropped face - as if hung on a scaffold of heavy private brooding; and thought.
Practice non-action. Work without doing.
Nature allows only experimental situations to occur which can be described within the framework of the formalism of quantum mechanics
 Werner Heisenberg
When you have police officers who abuse citizens, you erode public confidence in law enforcement. That makes the job of good police officers unsafe.
 Mary Frances Berry
The focus of Satan's efforts is always the same: to deceive us into believing that the passing pleasures of sin are more satisfying than obedience.
 Sam Storms
There can be no self-government without self-discipline. There can be no self-government without self-control. There can be no liberty unless it is grounded in moral discipline and the ability to do what is right.
There can be no self-government without self-discipline. There can be no self-government without self-control. There can be no liberty unless it is grounded in moral discipline and the ability to do what is right.
 Alan Keyes
I accept the responsibility but not the blame. Let me explain the difference. Those who are to blame lose their jobs. Those who are responsible do not.
 David Frye
I hope that all of us who were fortunate enough to have benefited will put our time, our resources and our efforts into making sure that kids, particularly kids without means, have a way to achieve.
As Mayor of San Francisco, I will work hard to ensure that, in the event of natural or man-made disasters, San Franciscans are prepared and our City is protected
 Gavin Newsom
The ultimate, most holy form of theory is action.
 Nikos Kazantzakis
I don't know if I'm going to do any more acting. It's a great job, you know? Make a movie? Why not?
 Colleen Haskell
I did work out every day. I needed it to have the endurance to do what needed to be done and not get hurt. I have such a new respect for action stars now.
 Sanaa Lathan
One Way: Jesus! One Job: Evangelism!
 T.L. Osborn
Perfectionism is a time waster - 20 percent of the effort you put into any project accomplishes 80 percent of the outcome - so this is a time to ask yourself when good enough is enough and then stop.
 Mira Kirshenbaum
I always saw myself as a singer-songwriter, a solo-artist, that\'s why working with other artists was never satisfying for me.
I always saw myself as a singer-songwriter, a solo-artist, that's why working with other artists was never satisfying for me.
 John Legend
It is a health care law [ObamaCare] that is basically forcing companies to lay people off, cut people's hours, move people to part-time. It is not just a bad health care law, it is a job-killing law.